Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Take Care of Yourself

Where has the first month of 2008 gone? I amazed by how time slips by us so quickly sometimes. Take a moment to thank all of those you serve with for the time they put into preparing for the Sunday they serve and also, the time they invest getting to know the kids and the others on your team. But most importantly, take some time and make sure that you and your team are taking care of yourself and growing in your own relationship with God. The kids and the team will grow if we each do our part to stay spiritually healthy. With the start of the New Year encourage your team to chronologically read through the Bible together. Read at your own pace, it is only about ten minutes a day, and use that time to spend getting to know God’s voice. Our ministry to kids will only continue to grow if we make sure to keep ourselves healthy and instep with God.

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