Sunday, October 28, 2007

Opening Dialog

Four times a year our teaching teams have the opportunity to present to our second through fifth graders the message of salvation. Today was one of those days. We use these opportunities to open dialogs between the kids and their parents. At the end of their small group time we have the students fill out a card and check one of three boxes; I have been baptized, I want to be baptized or I want to think about it some more. These cards help us to do two things, the first is to learn were they are spiritually and the second as a discussion starter for parents.

I was amazed as I received feedback from our small group leaders to learn how many kids had genuine questions. For me, there is nothing more real than sitting with a kid who wants to know more about what Jesus means in their life. Not just the eternal I want to go heaven part but the everyday stuff like dealing with tough choices with friends and rough family stuff.

We will take these cards and call the parents of the kids who checked the box to be baptized. The parents have all received a letter after service letting them know what our message was about in the classroom. The letter also included a list of verses for them to reference with their kids. We let the parents know their child checked the decision box and we encourage them to use this time to talk to their kids about Jesus.

In a couple of years, some these kids will make the choice to follow Jesus and to be baptized. For now we are just opening the dialog.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


What's your Switch story? Tell us how God has changed you!
Click on the image to share your story.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Adult Series

We are beginning a new series in our adult church in several weeks entitled Our Rotten Sex Life. There is already quite a buzz about this series in the area with step stake signs, a twenty foot banner on our building and, yesterday, an article on the front page of the local paper. The teaching team and service design team for our adult church have been working hard to put together this provocative three week series. We are looking forward to many new faces that will be coming for the first time to check us out. The same Sunday we are kicking off this new sermon series is also our annual Fall Festival. We are excited to have so many things happening at once that will welcome new people into our church.
What does this have to do with children's ministry? Everything! We have the opportunity during this three week series to capture the attention and create enthusiasm among the elementary crowd. Not only will we be welcoming new first time kids into our classrooms but we will be seeing kids who may have stopped coming to class and started attending adult worship. I don't see many parents allowing their kids to sit with them through the first sermon entitled 'The Best Sex You'll Ever Have'. These next several weeks we need to ramp up our programming from the minute they walk in all the way through until their parents pick them up. Games, crafts, music, tech, teaching and small groups all need to be taken to the next level.

Don't miss out on the opportunities that your adult church provides you to reach kids!